follow the adventures of kim and kelly through europe! visit the places we see, meet the people we meet, take in the sights, and be amazed at the goodness of the Lord as he provides, protects and guides us!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

pinch me

July 18 we flew home from the trip of a lifetime. It's now December 18....Only 5 months, but it feels like years since I was in that sweet land with my even sweeter friend, Kelly. What a fun time we had, Kelly! I look at those pictures and I'm taken back to a dream. I can smell the croissants and hear the Italian inn keeper asking us for "da key?" The Florentine sunset!!!! And the Eiffel tower! Oh man... don't get me started :)

Something I'm realizing more and more is that I'm so thankful for the fact that the Lord allowed me to go with not only a good friend, but a friend to whom I feel so closely knit, and someone who I might as well have shared the womb with! Kelly, you are such a sweet friend to me and I am ETERNALLY thankful for you. What a rich time of adventure, sleep, food, sights, sounds, memories, times with the Lord, seemingly endless conversations that I'm different now because of them.

I love that we went. And I love that we kept this blog. Love you, Kell!

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