follow the adventures of kim and kelly through europe! visit the places we see, meet the people we meet, take in the sights, and be amazed at the goodness of the Lord as he provides, protects and guides us!

Friday, July 1, 2011

bella roma

weàre in Rome.... so we ate gelato and pizza today. mmm... this city is alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. people speak passionately and they are always on the move... except for siesta time, of course. kelly and I are struck with the kind nature of the people here... they are very service-oriented and do all they can to make your day.

feels like the fast pace of new york city. but with ancient ruins mixed with the modern architecture.

gotta go... have to go! internet cafe time about to expire!


  1. Christian would like to know if you are going to see the leaning tower...and the eifel tower? ok i don't know how to spell peeza either....
