follow the adventures of kim and kelly through europe! visit the places we see, meet the people we meet, take in the sights, and be amazed at the goodness of the Lord as he provides, protects and guides us!

Monday, July 11, 2011

More Florence reflections (and some fragmented thoughts)

A romantic evening; a cool breeze that refreshes my skin and breath in my lungs that reminds me I’m alive. I took a quiet sunset stroll and came upon a surreal and peaceful stone bench surrounded by flowerings trees with branches that part just enough to create a view of the city. The park where I write this sits atop a hill across the river from central Florence. I see a view of the curved tile roofs, stone, stucco, and brick buildings aged through events I only read about. Ancient bridges decorate the river as they stretch their arches across the banks joining two worlds together. I hear the soft distant sound of big band music, glasses clinking and people speaking in many different languages at the canopied outdoor café just up the hill in the piazza. But all sounds fade just enough so all I can hear clearly are my own thoughts and the bell tower chimes that call out the passing of time.

I then had to pinch myself.... is this real? Am i really here? I feel as though this moment is completely surreal. As I sit here and ponder the Lord’s goodness, his mercy, and grace upon my life I feel so small... so humbled at the fact that He would choose to bless me with the opportunity to travel like this around Europe. I honestly have seen and experienced so many things - to write about it would require that I pay to use 100GB on But for now, I just write some of these thoughts..... I’m sure I will be processing much of this trip for moths - even years to come, but here’s a few thoughts for now.

Kelly and I were talking and realizing that neither of us have traveled to places outside the US without being surrounded by poverty and extreme depravity among the people we were serving. This is the first time both of us have experienced people and places that appear to be doing well (on the outside) but the poverty here is of spirit. In places I've been before, the people have not had much of anything as far as possessions, but were, in general, very open to the Gospel. They feel the emptiness in their own lives and are acutely aware of the emptiness they feel. Here it is very different. It's a lot like the US, actually. People here have what they need, and so deny the emptiness they have without the Lord. Richness of things yet poverty of spirit seems to me a more dangerous and fatal disease than living in physical poverty.

I have noticed a few things about the culture here - As I look around, I notice that the Italian people value beauty and art very much. The towns are full of people who work hard but also just enjoy a slower-paced life. They get up early, work until noon, take a few hours off - complete with a nap and a good lunch - and then work again until around 6pm. Family is very important and often families own businesses together and/or work together. They are fit, eat well, walk a lot, and enjoy the simple things in life that we often brush to the side as a non-priority in the US. There is much I can learn from these people and their way of life. I was challenged today to take a step back when encountering a new way of life and look for the good - even biblical practices - instead of judging the things that seem unusual, “not my style” or unnecessary. I love the Italians. They are expressive, usually very honest about what they think and feel, and they aren’t afraid of art and beauty. Hmmm.... I think I need to think on that thought a little more.....

Back to the view I see of Florence -

What would my life be like without Christ? Would I look upon this view in the same way as I do today? I know for certain that I would not. Everything is different because of Christ. I am forever changed, and by His grace, he is not through changing me yet. I feel so loved by the Lord right now, and so blessed to have this chance to see His glory in this place!

However, even surrounded by such beauty and having traveled and experienced so much in these past days and weeks, I shudder at the thought that many in my view at this second will spend eternity apart from God. Oh, Lord, that your people would be faithful to proclaim the Gospel to those who are perishing! That you would use my life to raise up others to go and live for Jesus so others can know Him too! - Near and far! - As I think about returning home and starting school again in August, spending all day, five days a week with a classroom full of 6 and 7 year old children - precious little lives - Lord, let me impart to them a portion of what you have shown me. Help me - and all those who know Christ - to be the aroma of Christ to those who are saved and to those who are perishing.

“But thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” I Cor 2:14-15

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